It is a beautiful Wednesday morning at Miracle Ranch. Hope you had the chance to say what you feel grateful for today.  I'm feeling so grateful to spread joy to the world today, for my life of freedom, living in the beautiful country, my family, our shelter and the weather getting cooler. It is 68 degrees right now and we have our windows open. It is actually a little cold for me.

Just giving a gentle reminder today to act in love, expressing gratitude and remembering your dreams today.  Our job is not to find out HOW to make our dreams come true. Our job is to take action, removing blocks to be open to opportunities that come our way, having integrity and being honest in our relations with others and letting go.  Sounds simple or complicated?  It is actually quite simple.  We make things complicated.  Although, it is not easy to live this kind of life.

Last night on America's Got Talent, there is a father of 6 children.  He and his wife are raising their 5 adopted children and 1 child they gave birth to dream.  His name is Michael Ketterer and he is a talented singer.  America and the judges have fallen in love with him.  They have not fallen in love with his singing, although he is talented, they have fallen in love with who he is as a human.  He is a mental health nurse and wants to follow his dreams to show his children that it is possible to do so.  He said "we are unable to follow our dreams if we are just surviving, so he wants to give a life to his children so that they are able to dream".  If you have not seen his performance.  It's on You Tube.  As a side note, there are so many children out there who need loving homes.  Have you ever been interested in fostering or adopting?  If so, maybe that is part of your dream and impact on the world. 

We encourage you to take the step and look into what the process is.  If you ask a child what his/her dreams are, they say they want to be an Astronaut, Artist, Fire Fighter, Rescue Turtles, etc. etc.  They do not hesitate, give reasons why it won't happen, doubt themselves, make excuses.  They change their minds and don't feel bad about it, they just know it will happen. 

How can you be more like a child today?  How can you dream again or continue dreaming what you want for your life?  Make your life meaningful.  You can do it, we believe in you with all our hearts.  Collectively, we can all make a difference and inspire others to reach their full potential.  Be driven by love and you will experience everything you had ever hoped for and more. 

If we are in a state of survival, most humans are, we do not thrive.  Removing blocks from our past experiences is an important part of living a life of freedom from the chains of our past.  Traumas that we do not know occurred in our past, impact our ability to live our lives on purpose. 

Do you feel anxiety?  Do you think things need to get done urgently?  Do you rush around from one thing to another? Do you feel that things need to be done in a particular way or they are not done correctly?  These are all signs of a history of feelings and experiences that are not completely worked through and may be a sign of trauma.

We wish you a life a of peace.  What gets in the way of your achieving your dreams?  Today, thrive in your life, don't just survive.

See you on Friday!